Ph Borg Ltd is a small family run business that provides various types of fuel to the local market. The range of fuels offered includes Gasoil (0.1% Sulphur), Diesel EN 590, Heating Gasoil, Kerosene and LPG. Ph Borg adopts a Quality Management System based on the requirements of MSA EN ISO 9001:2015
Ph Borg Ltd has established the following strategic objectives to be pursued through the Quality Management System:
• Long Term Vision
o To establish long-lasting business relationships with different type of customers that have strong potential for development and growth.
• Customer Focus
o To meet customer requirements in a timely and professional manner without ever comprising the business ethics and principles.
o To provide a flexible service that suits the needs of the customers.
o To constantly strive to exceed customer expectations.
o To give the required and deserved respect and attention to all clients.
• Resources
o To harness and develop the experience and knowledge earned over the years.
o To ensure that all staff is able to adapt to difficult and unforeseen operational circumstances.
o To encourage the continuous training of employees with the aim to be constantly updated about any hazards and risks.
o To urge teamwork and cooperation between the employees of Ph Borg and also with customers and regulatory authorities.
o To invest in new, innovative and environmental friendly vehicles.
• Quality
o To continuously improve the quality management system and the overall management of Ph Borg.
o To constantly nurture the culture of good quality and continuous improvement across Ph Borg.